Home Page
My Paper on 'Direct' Force Space-time Field Gravity
My Paper Entitled: Gravity for Laymen
My Paper on the Reality of Electron Orbit
My Paper on the Reality of Particle/Wave Duality
My Paper Entitled: Wormholes are for Morons
My Paper on Gravity between the Earth and a Dog
My Paper on the Strong Nuclear Force
My Paper on the Gravitational Constant
My Paper Entitled: My Introspective Analysis of Mass, Energy, and Force
My Paper Entitled: The Moon's Recession from the Earth
My Paper on the Higgs Boson and the Graviton

     I'm rebuilding this website (which bears my 'last name', which is Kettelson). I'll eventually (again) 'fully' introduce myself and talk about the 'full' purpose of this website, as I've done on my other website (which bears the 'subject matter' of the website, which is Gravity). Both Websites are devoted to the common task of educating the entire world on the True (actual) Cause (physics) of Gravity.

     At the left 'CLICK' on the page
containing the paper, of my Eleven (11) Groundbreaking Scientific Papers and Mathematical Proofs, which you (the website visitor) wishes to 'VIEW' or 'DOWNLOAD' - of course all are free with no strings attached. 

     Albert Einstein was/is WRONG and Isaac Newton was/is RIGHT (though he never understood why) - I am the 1st person in history to 'correctly' understand The Force of Gravity, the 1st person to have actually and correctly figured out both the math and exacting mechanics of Space-time Gravity.

To Contact Me - 

My email is:

My phone number: 734-307-8279